Five Acre Wood School collects, holds and uses a great deal of information about individuals, particularly students and adults connected with the school. Under the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation), data about living individuals is known as personal data. The regulation puts in place numerous safeguards for the use of data about individuals. 

Under the GDPR, the data protection principles set out the main responsibilities for organisations:

Please click here for a leaflet about GDPR.

Please click here to view our UK GDPR Data Protection Policy.

Please click here to view our UK GDPR Privacy Notice for Looked After Children and Children in Need. – currently in draft format pending Governor approval

Please click here to view our UK GDPR Privacy Notice for School Workforce. – currently in draft format pending Governor approval

Please click here to view our UK GDPR Privacy Notice for Schools. – currently in draft format pending Governor approval

Please click here to view a GDPR leaflet for pupils.

Please click here to view our UK GDPR Accessing Personal Information policy. – currently in draft format pending Governor approval

If you would like paper copies of documents please contact the school office via email

Please click the following link to view the gender pay gap reporting overview –

To view the Five Acre Wood School Gender Pay Gap Report please click here.